Tuesday 24 May 2011


The world is advancing, every day new things are discovered, and all this new discovering are been applicated in all different areas (or should be) and, obviously Veterinary Medicine can't left behind.
Related to technology, new diagnostic equipment had beed implemented, or must to be implemented, in all areas of Veterinary Medicine, that is, minor and major animals clinic, production, public health, between ohers. For example, I remember that last year, a neurosurgery doctor tell to us methods of diagnosis, and one of most modern was through scanner, something that was used just in humans, so we must to keep improving this. Respect to social matter, we are every time more depending of animals, either for company, like a cat, dog, exotic, etc. (we must to take into account that for some people animals are sons), or for production of thing we need, like food, milk, cheese (some people, especially in south, live thanks animal production). So, protect animals and be care of it health is a delicate issue, because can transmite a lot of disease to human, if their are sick it cause preocupation and pain, or simply if their are sick we can't live because there's not production for sale and for eat. For that, veterinary should to be important part in charges of public health, and the main profesional in animal welfare. For this reason, for prevent disease as well animal or human, we have to play a role in the society education, through diffusion and municipal programs destinated to educate. The problem is principally for the laws, there isn't something that regulate correctly the Veterinary Medicine role, animal welfare, animal production, etc. This is because laws are made for lawyers, that didn't know about specifically areas, so I think the solution is create a commision that mix lawyers and animal profesionals, that legislate together. But not only in Veterinary Medicine but also other matter, like human medicine, environment, etc.
We should to start try to insert in the laws world, for improve our future profession. Finally, we are the future of the career, that covers more areas day to day and advanced
growing up.

Monday 23 May 2011


Perhaps everybody knows it but, education is one of the rights of life most important of persons. Why? Because thanks that a person can development it cognitive and corporal capacities and, as well, give the best of her/him to society, peaking development in all senses. However, what happens when education pass to be a luxe, and no a right. I see that in my country, wealthy people pay the best education for their children, that learn more and accordingly (almost all, always there are exceptions) go to the best university, that where are just best scores in P.S.U. (Universitary Selection Proof) or the most expensives. And poor people, educate their childrens in public school, generally bad school, and for this is very difficult that their think continue their studies, and a part any finish the minimum (secondary education). This is just one of the main problems I see actually. The solution of these would free education, for all the same, in teaching and evaluation. For this an institution most to be encargated of all free schools, and regulate and supervise that all the rules and benefits are been complied equally. However, this is just a little part of all the things that most to be better, because another thing are responsibility of family, economy (inequally in salary for example), and a lot of another factor.
Personally, I would like that
future generations will live in a more just society, so I hope current generation can achieve something at respect, something thinking in most of people, and not thinking in a little elite.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Animals 'can think abut thought' Summary

With pass of time and investigation had discovered that animals have intelligence and different capacities, it can see in monkeys manage math or dolphins take decisions. However, scientist (psychologists) from US discovered that animals can maybe too think about thought and enough to join the don't know. So they can think about thinking and know what don't know. This is called metacognition or dithering. A team work from different universities published in December issue of Behavioural and Brain Sciences a study where gave to dolphins, monkeys and humans nonverbal memory tasks, some easy and other hard. Animals had an uncertain response to decline to complete its choosing. Animals could decide when complete the action if they feel totally confident, but can decline if they didn't feel sure. Is true that animals can make that things work , for example, monkeys that count up nine and a crow that can bend a wire and give it a hook form. No obstant, that aren't evidence of thinking about thought. For that, latest experiment shows that at least, dolphins and monkeys might choose between a uncertainty option or one that are confidents, as well as human.
Link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2003/dec/03/animalbehaviour.psychology?INTCMP=SRCH