Tuesday 3 May 2011

Animals 'can think abut thought' Summary

With pass of time and investigation had discovered that animals have intelligence and different capacities, it can see in monkeys manage math or dolphins take decisions. However, scientist (psychologists) from US discovered that animals can maybe too think about thought and enough to join the don't know. So they can think about thinking and know what don't know. This is called metacognition or dithering. A team work from different universities published in December issue of Behavioural and Brain Sciences a study where gave to dolphins, monkeys and humans nonverbal memory tasks, some easy and other hard. Animals had an uncertain response to decline to complete its choosing. Animals could decide when complete the action if they feel totally confident, but can decline if they didn't feel sure. Is true that animals can make that things work , for example, monkeys that count up nine and a crow that can bend a wire and give it a hook form. No obstant, that aren't evidence of thinking about thought. For that, latest experiment shows that at least, dolphins and monkeys might choose between a uncertainty option or one that are confidents, as well as human.
Link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2003/dec/03/animalbehaviour.psychology?INTCMP=SRCH

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