Sunday 6 June 2010

I choose the second option!

Ok, well, a person that I admire so much is “Nick Baker”, here is some information about him:
- Biography: He was born in 22 April, 1973. Is british, lives actually in Dartmoor, England, with many little animals like reptiles, spiders, leeches, that he feeds with his own blood. He graduated in Biology from University of Exeter, in 1993. He went to Argentina when was young, and there known to his wife. Nick also practice cycling and is a musician in jazz, blue bands.
- What he has done?: He was known for the program “The Really Wild Show”, and later he filmed “Las Criaturas de Nick Baker” (for that show I known him!). However, thats aren´t his unique works on t.v. Baker actually write for a lot of publications, e.g. the BBC Wildlife Magazine, Birdlife, etc. In his university co-founded the Exeter University's national Bug Club. Frequently he go to schools for teach the kids about animals.
I admire him because I like the mistery, unknown things, and that is precisely what he is dedicated, but with animals! Rare animals! Also, now I can understand more his program, with the zoology knowledge that we now have. Jaja.


  1. =O very interesting, really did not know him.
    So strange that he feed the animals with his own blood. ^ ^
    I'll search for some information about Nick Baker

  2. Nick Baker RULZ!!!
    I'm also a bugs and creepy things lover!
    his TV show is very interesting and funny, like all the programs in Animal Planet...

    The world needs more people like Nick!

    Regards =)

  3. oohhh Caro i like Nick Baker too xD
    his programs is very interesting
    but i prefer Jeff Corwin =D
    and, of course, "videos divertidos de animal planet" jajjaja xD
    monday we see work
    a hug

  4. Yeah! Nick Baker's program is wonderfull :D
    But i agree with javy, i also prefer "videos divertidos de animal planet" really its funny xD
    Caro thanks a lot, now i know a little about his life

  5. Ok, well, a person that I admire so much is “Nick Baker”, here is some information about him:
    - Biography: He was born in 22 April, 1973. Is british, lives actually in Dartmoor, England, with many little animals like reptiles, spiders, leeches, that he feeds with his own blood. He graduated in Biology from University of Exeter, in 1993. He went to Argentina when was young, and there WW known to his wife. Nick also SVA practice cycling and is a musician in jazz, blue bands.
    - What WO he has done?: He was known for the program “The Really Wild Show”, and later he filmed “Las Criaturas de Nick Baker” (for that show I known him!). However, thatsSVA aren´t his unique works on t.v. Baker actually SVA write for a lot of publications, e.g. the BBC Wildlife Magazine, Birdlife, etc. In his university co-founded the Exeter University's national Bug Club. Frequently he SVA go to schools for WF teach the kids about animals.
    I admire him because I like the mistery, unknown things, and that is precisely what he is dedicated, but with animals! Rare animals! Also, now I can understand more his program, with the zoology knowledge that we now have. Jaja.

    very interesting! I have watched some of hs episodes and the animals he investigates are very weird!
    Check the corrections ok?
