Wednesday 19 May 2010

The career and me?

Since I was a little girl I like all was connected with nature, country, farm ,places with many trees, so much green. For that I considered study something that maintain me close to these things, and, being a veterinary I can work in a farm or something like that. That's my first reason. The second it's relacionated with my first real dog, I commented it in last post. It was threw out, and it make me feel attached with animals.
Those are my two principal motive.
I like the career, although I yet don't know if I will finish it. But now, with somes matter like zoology I has been thinking to specialize in something like that, and later work in conservation or diversity; or do, on the other side, something relacionated with biotechnology, that like me so much too.

1 comment:

  1. The career and me?
    Since I was a little girl I TENSE like all was connected with nature, country, farm ,places with many trees, so much green. For that I considered WF study something that maintain me close to these things, and, being a veterinary I can work in a farm or something like that. That's my first reason. The second it's WWrelacionated with my first real dog, I commented it in last post. It was WF threw out, and it TENSE make me feel attached with animals.
    Those are my two WW principal motive.
    I like the career, although I yet don't know if I will finish it. But now, with somes WW matter like zoology I SVA has been thinking to specialize in something like that, and later work in conservation or diversity; or do, on the other side, something relacionated with biotechnology, that like me so much too

    Well done and the best of luck!
    check the corrections,
