Tuesday 29 March 2011

My 2010!

Hi everybody! I hope you have a great starting year.
Well, past year was rare, I lived a lot of new experiences, some wonderfull and another that I wish nobody pass. Respect learned things, I discovered a lot of new areas, and I fall in love with some subjects, like Anatomy, that yes, it's difficult but so much exciting, or Zoology, Histology, etc. Were subjects that I thought I wouldn't pass, like Math or Biochemistry, so I had to study a lot more than I had planed. The best of all this, is that now I'm decided and happy with my career, I don't have a lot of dudes for my choose, like before, now I'm most sure of what I'm doing.
In my free times, I did Physical Conditioning with Tito Pino, and the weekends I usually went (and yet I do it) t0 rollerblading (I love physical activities), obviously sometimes I went out with my familiy and friends, to eat out, travel, partys, between others. However, for the period of "Fiestas Patrias" I had to be admitted in the hospital because I had a tumor, so I was one month without practice sport, and I felt so so bad, also I couldn't celebrate how I wanted, couldn't dance, eat or go out.. But now it's all right! That was the main challenge of past year, compatibilize recovery and study. I remember too that study was heavier yet by protests, every tests and works were at same time, it was horrible! I hope this year in that respect will be more organizated.
Later with my family had a deserved vacations, we visited new places, we went to Talca, Linares and Coquimbo. Were all beauty and new experiences. I hope next vacations going to TVV (Trabajos Voluntarios Veterinarios), for keep learning about my career and can give my modest knowledge to people that can need.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh, god. I hope you're fine now !!!!
    rollerblading are so cool!! when I was a little girl, loved that. I wish I could do that now:)

    Regards !!!!

    P.S: i had misspelled a word in the previous post :P

  3. I really hope you're fully recovered for this year! :)
    I think everybody deserved those vacations xD it was really stressful to go out so late last year! i'm glad you enjoyed them :)

  4. Hi everybody! I hope you have a great starting year.
    Well, past year was rare, I lived a lot of new experiences, some SP wonderfull and another that I wish nobody WF pass. WW Respect WF learned things, I discovered a lot of new areas, and I TENSE fall in love with some subjects, like Anatomy, that yes, it's difficult but so much exciting, or Zoology, Histology, etc. ^ Were subjects that I thought I wouldn't pass, like Math or Biochemistry, so I had to study a lot more than I had planed. The best of all this, is that now I'm decided and happy with my career, I don't have a lot of WW dudes for my WW choose, like before, now I'm WW most sure of what I'm doing.
    In my free times, I did Physical Conditioning with Tito Pino, and the weekends I usually went (and yet I do it) t0 rollerblading (I love physical activities), obviously sometimes I went out with my familiy and friends, to eat out, travel, partys, WW between others. However, for the period of "Fiestas Patrias" I had to be admitted in the hospital because I had a tumor, so I was one month without practice sport, and I felt so so bad, also I couldn't celebrate how I wanted, couldn't dance, eat or go out.. But now it's all right! That was the main challenge of past year, compatibilize recovery and study. I remember too that study was heavier yet by protests, every tests and WF works were at same time, it was horrible! I hope this year in that respect will be more SP organizated.
    Later with my family had a deserved vacations, we visited new places, we went to Talca, Linares and Coquimbo. Were all beauty and new experiences. I hope next vacations going to TVV (SPANISH!!Trabajos Voluntarios Veterinarios), for keep learning about my career and can give my modest knowledge to people that can need.

    wow what a year uh?
    very interesting! I'm glad you're happy with your choice now!

    p.s. check the corrections ok?
