Tuesday 5 April 2011

Story of my Pets

There are a lot of people that like animal company, specially kids, for the affection that it gives, for play, for don't feel alone, for care it, between other reasons. That happened to me too. But my mum hate animals! For that, I have just one pet, a female dog, but I think is correct give an space to that pets that have been in my life.. so I will present you the story of my pets.
Even my mum hate animals, I don't know how, but I convice she when I was younger that bring me a pet, so she gave me a.. chicken. Yes. Unfortunatelly, the first night my new animal slept outside, in a little cage, and when I was to see it for the morning, it was gone.. After I had a dog, a black and beautiful puppy: Cachupín. Obviusly, my mum at the first day was bored of it, so was just a week with us, before my grandmother stay with it..
A lot of years later, a friend of my parents give me a rat, a white rat, which name was Ruperto. It lived a happy life, have a house, foo, toys, cleaning, and all the care and love of the family. Was all perfect, until one morning that it never wake up. It was so sad.. When Ruperto died, arrived Puqui at house, a beauty female Cocker puppy. But my mum did'nt like that it was a little destruction machine, so she gave Puqui to a person that I never knew. After a weeks of that, arrived Sharpel, a beauty puppy. My parents bought it for my sister and me, to forget Puqui. I don't know how, Sharpel win my heart hahah, and now I love it too. Every day when I come at house, we go out, to walk, to play, to be happy.
That's my pets story, I would like to have a lot more, but while I live with my parents I'm happy with Sharpel. I guess that in future I will have more animals, from mice until horses!
Anyway, for they I'm studying, so I hope I will can have the privilegy of spent a lot of time between its.


  1. Karo and her blue hair xD

    your story is kinda like mine.. except for my mother, 'cause she loves animals :D

    killer work!
    c ya!

  2. There are a lot of people that like animal company, specially kids, for the affection that it gives, for play, for WF don't feel alone, for care it, WW between other reasons. That happened to me too. But my mum SVA hate animals! For that, I have just one pet, a female dog, but I think is correct^ give an space to that pets that have been in my life.. so I will present you the story of my pets.
    Even my mum SVA hate animals, I don't know how, but I TENSE convice she when I was younger that bring me a pet, so she gave me a.. chicken. Yes. SP Unfortunatelly, the first night my new animal slept outside, in a little cage, and when I WW was to see it for the morning, it was gone.. After I had a dog, a black and beautiful puppy: Cachupín. Obviusly, my mum at WWthe first day was bored of it, so was just a week with us, before my grandmother TENSE stay with it..
    A lot of years later, a friend of my parents TENSE give me a rat, a white rat, which name was Ruperto. It lived a happy life, TENSE have a house, foo, toys, cleaning, and all the care and love of the family. Was all perfect, until one morning that it never TENSE wake up. It was so sad.. When Ruperto died, arrived Puqui at house, a beauty female Cocker puppy. But my mum did'nt like that it was a little destruction machine, so she gave Puqui to a person that I never knew. After a weeks of that, arrived Sharpel, a beauty puppy. My parents bought it for my sister and me, to forget Puqui. I don't know how, Sharpel win my heart hahah, and now I love it too. Every day when I come at house, we go out, to walk, to play, to be happy.
    That's my pets story, I would like to have a lot more, but while I live with my parents I'm happy with Sharpel. I guess that in future I will have more animals, from mice until horses!
    Anyway, for they I'm studying, so I hope I will can have theWF privilegy of spent a lot of time between its.

    lots of animals uh? I'm sure you will have many more!
    p.s. good intro and conclusion!
