Tuesday 26 April 2011


Hello everybody! Occurs that like in almost everything, there are differences inside our University. So, we have Faculty of Economy and Business and Faculty of Engineering (Beauchef), that give me the impression, consume the bigger part of ingress of University. Obviously this make that other faculties (like Veterinary) don't have enough money for have equity of infraestructure, proffesors, and facilities in general. So, from my point of view, I will tell you what I think of that.

In first place, I have seen a big deficit in quantity of proffesors and classroom. I think is so inefficient that there are more of a hundred persons in a classroom with a single teaching. Sometimes, people can't sit beacuse capacity isn't appropriatte and who are at end of classroom don't listen fine, because with so much people the voice of who is at the front is going losing. Another important problem are flys. Yes, the insects, fly. Sometimes are so much that is impossible put the correct attention at class, so, if we to add the crowded people plus fly= total disaster. That's the main, because I can still giving a large list, like the lack of material in laboratories, the lack of a good, cheap and bigger casino, the same with library (must to be bigger), lack of a place to be in winter, for study and rest for example (this would be like a best "Cuchitril"), etc. I guess with the above are answered questions 1 and 2. The firsts steps that I believe that should take are the fumigation of the faculty, not only against flies, remember that there are also plagues of rats and spiders. At same time hiring more proffesors. Then the improvement of the infraestructure (this is a bit slowder). The other thing are equally important, so isn't that I ignore them or anything, but I have just named the most idispensable, because affect what is supossed to be the best in University in the education area, which is the quality. If all the points I mencioned change, would be a total improvement, starting with a higher concentration in classes without flies haha
I hope the corresponding authorities do something about this, although it's likely if one day be reach to improve something, will be when we're gone. However, the necessary improvements

will be the best legacy we could leave to future students of Veterinary Medicine of the Chile.
I see you!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello everybody! ^bOccurs that like in almost everything, there are differences inside our University. So, we have Faculty of Economy and Business and Faculty of Engineering (Beauchef), that give me the impression, consume the bigger part of WW ingress of University. Obviously this SVA make that other faculties (like Veterinary) don't have enough money for have equity of infraestructure, SP proffesors, and facilities in general. So, from my point of view, I will tell you what I think of that.

    In ^first place, I have seen a big deficit in quantity of proffesors and classroom. I think is so inefficient that there are more of a hundred persons in a classroom with a single teaching. Sometimes, people can't sit beacuse capacity isn't SP appropriatte and who are at end of classroom don't listen fine, because with so much people the voice of who is at the front is going losing. Another important problem are WF flys. Yes, the insects, fly. Sometimes are so much that is impossible put the correct attention at class, so, if we to add the crowded people plus fly= total disaster. That's the main, because I can still WF giving a large list, like the lack of material in laboratories, the lack of a good, cheap and bigger casino, the same with library (must to be bigger), lack of a place to be in winter, for study and rest for example (this would be like a best "Cuchitril"), etc. I guess with the above are answered questions 1 and 2. The WF firsts steps that I believe that should take are the fumigation of the faculty, not only against flies, remember that there are also plagues of rats and spiders. At same time hiring more SP proffesors. Then the improvement of the infraestructure (this is a bit slowder). The other thing are equally important, so isn't that I ignore them or anything, but I have just named the most idispensable, because ^SVA affect what is supossed to be the best in University in the education area, which is the quality. If all the points I SP mencioned ^change, would be a total improvement, starting with a higher concentration in classes without flies haha
    I hope the corresponding authorities do something about this, although it's likely if one day be reach to improve something, will be when we're gone. However, the necessary improvements

    will be the best legacy we could leave to future students of Veterinary Medicine of the Chile.
    I see you!!

    well done! you should be in the student union caro!
