Tuesday 26 April 2011


Hello everybody! Occurs that like in almost everything, there are differences inside our University. So, we have Faculty of Economy and Business and Faculty of Engineering (Beauchef), that give me the impression, consume the bigger part of ingress of University. Obviously this make that other faculties (like Veterinary) don't have enough money for have equity of infraestructure, proffesors, and facilities in general. So, from my point of view, I will tell you what I think of that.

In first place, I have seen a big deficit in quantity of proffesors and classroom. I think is so inefficient that there are more of a hundred persons in a classroom with a single teaching. Sometimes, people can't sit beacuse capacity isn't appropriatte and who are at end of classroom don't listen fine, because with so much people the voice of who is at the front is going losing. Another important problem are flys. Yes, the insects, fly. Sometimes are so much that is impossible put the correct attention at class, so, if we to add the crowded people plus fly= total disaster. That's the main, because I can still giving a large list, like the lack of material in laboratories, the lack of a good, cheap and bigger casino, the same with library (must to be bigger), lack of a place to be in winter, for study and rest for example (this would be like a best "Cuchitril"), etc. I guess with the above are answered questions 1 and 2. The firsts steps that I believe that should take are the fumigation of the faculty, not only against flies, remember that there are also plagues of rats and spiders. At same time hiring more proffesors. Then the improvement of the infraestructure (this is a bit slowder). The other thing are equally important, so isn't that I ignore them or anything, but I have just named the most idispensable, because affect what is supossed to be the best in University in the education area, which is the quality. If all the points I mencioned change, would be a total improvement, starting with a higher concentration in classes without flies haha
I hope the corresponding authorities do something about this, although it's likely if one day be reach to improve something, will be when we're gone. However, the necessary improvements

will be the best legacy we could leave to future students of Veterinary Medicine of the Chile.
I see you!!

Tuesday 19 April 2011

I would to visit...

Almost every people, or at least every I know, want to travel to a place in special. Maybe to Perú for know Machu Picchu, or USA because is the most famous, or travel to a country where are relatives or a good friend, etc. All we have differents reasons.
Respect to me, I must to recognize that I have a childhood dream, that make me feel a little shy. But well, when I was a younger girl I wanted to know Bangladesh. Yes, is rare. I going to relate a little of that story: Mi parents had a lot of magazine of National Geographic, and I always read it, and in one ocassion appear an article of poor in Bangladesh. It move so much I told me "when I grow up, I will to help all this people" How? I didn't know, I just wanted it.
However, now that I'm little bit older that passed to be just that, a dream.. Maybe If I had money (how miss said today), later of give a part to my parents.. But now, I think I would tarvel to Spain. Yes, mainly for its culture and history. I would like to know all that older constructions, palaces and places that have, but! If would just that I would preffer Rome or Greece, so the other reasons is that I would like to study some time in Europe, and I think Spain is a good option. Obviously all this is just a very very far away projection!
I hope travel to Spain some day, and can achieve that dream. I think you can do every you want if you really strive, so, I just expect that day comes. And if I think like that, why not? maybe going to Bangladesh haha
See you!

Friday 15 April 2011

Transantiago evil

Public transport is very important for the actual society, is practically impossible imagine to live without it. Every people have to move of one place to another, for work, study, visits, among many other reasons. We have actually a big dilemma: We can use the horrible transantiago, with the environmental benefit it means, because a lot of people can travel with the equivalent pollution that would produce a few cars that carry a few people. Obviously I'm thinking in persons that have to travel a big distance every day, like almost all here in Santiago, and not in people that have to do short travels and can walk or use a bike.
So, respect to my personal situation I start to move around Santiago just when I went to university, because when I was more young, a school van moved to from school to house, and when I was in fourth grade I changed to a school that was to five minuts of my house, so obviusly I walked. I just took bus and subway when I had to go a some special place, but almost ever my dad carried me from a site to another. My first year in university was.. ok. I took a bus (I08) close my house, later I took another bus (428e) in highway that was so rapidly that I loved it, although was an old bus painted. I was in 20 minuts from Maipú to La Cisterna. Great. And like a lot of classmates do, I took subway from La Cisterna to Santa Rosa and finally a bus from SantaRosa to faculty. As always some days it took more time than other, but in a normal time range. In last days of 2010 428e stopped pass where I usually took it, so horror, I had to start took an alternative:428 (not e!!) It took the double time from Maipú to La Cisterna!!! But I can survive last year.. Problem is that now, there is no more painted buses, only new, so frequency that pass decreased a lot! Some days I have to spend half hour waiting! And when it pass, is crowded, so just sometimes I reach to into. Also, sometimes when I have some extra to do, like go to "Torre 15" (haha) I have take subway downtown and people it's really tight, and they fight and beat for go in and out. Worst yet is the expensive it is, I think is a service that no worth what it costs.
So, for make it better, I would start for cut prices and put more buses to disposition of people, for make more fluid and quickly transport, what probably would get down the density of people in subway. Obviously there is a lot of political matters that must to solve before a change.. so I can't say anymore respect it.
I guess my opinion is clear, I think Transantiago it's a service that go from bad to worse, and responsibles are just trying to give patch solutions that are useless, like the painted buses. I hope this will be better some day.
And I really hope your experiences have been best that mine!

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Story of my Pets

There are a lot of people that like animal company, specially kids, for the affection that it gives, for play, for don't feel alone, for care it, between other reasons. That happened to me too. But my mum hate animals! For that, I have just one pet, a female dog, but I think is correct give an space to that pets that have been in my life.. so I will present you the story of my pets.
Even my mum hate animals, I don't know how, but I convice she when I was younger that bring me a pet, so she gave me a.. chicken. Yes. Unfortunatelly, the first night my new animal slept outside, in a little cage, and when I was to see it for the morning, it was gone.. After I had a dog, a black and beautiful puppy: Cachupín. Obviusly, my mum at the first day was bored of it, so was just a week with us, before my grandmother stay with it..
A lot of years later, a friend of my parents give me a rat, a white rat, which name was Ruperto. It lived a happy life, have a house, foo, toys, cleaning, and all the care and love of the family. Was all perfect, until one morning that it never wake up. It was so sad.. When Ruperto died, arrived Puqui at house, a beauty female Cocker puppy. But my mum did'nt like that it was a little destruction machine, so she gave Puqui to a person that I never knew. After a weeks of that, arrived Sharpel, a beauty puppy. My parents bought it for my sister and me, to forget Puqui. I don't know how, Sharpel win my heart hahah, and now I love it too. Every day when I come at house, we go out, to walk, to play, to be happy.
That's my pets story, I would like to have a lot more, but while I live with my parents I'm happy with Sharpel. I guess that in future I will have more animals, from mice until horses!
Anyway, for they I'm studying, so I hope I will can have the privilegy of spent a lot of time between its.