Tuesday 19 April 2011

I would to visit...

Almost every people, or at least every I know, want to travel to a place in special. Maybe to Perú for know Machu Picchu, or USA because is the most famous, or travel to a country where are relatives or a good friend, etc. All we have differents reasons.
Respect to me, I must to recognize that I have a childhood dream, that make me feel a little shy. But well, when I was a younger girl I wanted to know Bangladesh. Yes, is rare. I going to relate a little of that story: Mi parents had a lot of magazine of National Geographic, and I always read it, and in one ocassion appear an article of poor in Bangladesh. It move so much I told me "when I grow up, I will to help all this people" How? I didn't know, I just wanted it.
However, now that I'm little bit older that passed to be just that, a dream.. Maybe If I had money (how miss said today), later of give a part to my parents.. But now, I think I would tarvel to Spain. Yes, mainly for its culture and history. I would like to know all that older constructions, palaces and places that have, but! If would just that I would preffer Rome or Greece, so the other reasons is that I would like to study some time in Europe, and I think Spain is a good option. Obviously all this is just a very very far away projection!
I hope travel to Spain some day, and can achieve that dream. I think you can do every you want if you really strive, so, I just expect that day comes. And if I think like that, why not? maybe going to Bangladesh haha
See you!

1 comment:

  1. Almost every people, or at least every I know, want to travel to a place in special. Maybe to Perú for know Machu Picchu, or USA because is the most famous, or travel to a country where are relatives or a good friend, etc. All we have differents reasons.
    WW Respect to me, I must WW to recognize that I have a childhood dream, that TENSE make me feel a little shy. But well, when I was a younger girl I wanted to know Bangladesh. Yes, is rare. I ^going to relate a little of that story: SP Mi parents had a lot of magazine of National Geographic, and I always read it, and in one ocassion^TENSE appear an article of WF poor in Bangladesh. It TENSE move so much I told me "when I grow up, I will to help all this people" How? I didn't know, I just wanted it.
    However, now that I'm little bit older that passed to be just that, a dream.. Maybe If I had money (how miss said today), later of give a part to my parents.. But now, I think I would tarvel to Spain. Yes, mainly for its culture and history. I would like to know all that older constructions, palaces and places that have, but! If would just that I would SP preffer Rome or Greece, so the other reasons is that I would like to study some time in Europe, and I think Spain is a good option. Obviously all this is just a very very far away projection!
    I hope travel to Spain some day, and can achieve that dream. I think you can do every you want if you really strive, so, I just expect that day comes. And if I think like that, why not? maybe going to Bangladesh haha
    See you!

    but which one would you choose?
    Spain would be better for your career maybe?
